Get on Nostr Nostr Today

🕘 This will take about 20 minutes.
💰 You'll get 5,000 satoshis ($4.90) back.
🔍 Get back here: search Google for "nostr rizful"

You've heard the buzz. Nostr Nostr is the social network of the future.

Nostr is the distributed, open-source, freedom-tech alternative to X (Twitter), Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

But wait... why do I need to be on Nostr?

There is a reason that the brightest minds, like billionaire Jack Dorsey, entrepreneur Jack Mallers, cutting edge startups like YakiHonne, Alby, and Rizful, leading nonprofits like OpenSats, and public intellectuals like Lyn Alden are all moving to Nostr Nostr.

They're moving because Nostr is the future. It's like radio in 1920, television in 1950, the Internet in 1996, or Bitcoin in 2010.

The future is coming. It's not going to wait for you to catch up.

You need to get on Nostr TODAY, or you'll miss out on the newest trends, technologies and ideas.

OK, I'm in... But what will I get from this tutorial?

You're going to get a LOT of stuff:

Nostr App
A Nostr App

You'll use this to browse Nostr on your phone, computer, or tablet.

Nostr Private Key
A Nostr Private Key

You'll use this permanent, long-lasting key to log in to ANY Nostr application.

A Lightning Node
A Lightning Node

Your own, private, high-performance, cloud-connected node on the Lightning Network.

A NWC Code
A NWC Code

Your Nostr Wallet Connect (NWC) code securely connects your Lightning Node to Nostr apps.

A Lightning Address
A Lightning Address

Like "", this is a permanent address to send and receive zaps.

Bag of Satoshis
5,000 satoshis back.

Follow these directions to the end and we'll zap you 5,000 satoshis to celebrate.

Excellent. What do I need to get started?

Here's what you need:

OK. Give me the short version of the directions.

  1. Make sure you have some satoshis
  2. Get your lightning node
  3. Open a notepad on your computer or phone
  4. Get Your Nostr Private Key
  5. Get Your Lightning Address
  6. Get Your NWC Code
  7. Review what you got so far
  8. Set up your computer for Nostr
  9. Set up your phone or tablet for Nostr
  10. We zap you 5,000 satoshis

I'm ready. Give me the detailed directions.

#1. Make sure you have some satoshis...

You're going to need about 16,000 satoshis ($16) to start your lightning node and open a channel.

#2. Get your Lightning Node

You're going to get your own Lightning Node, to reliably send and receive "zaps", which are Nostr's incredibly innovative system of micropayments.

Your very own Lightning Node

1. Prepare yourself: This is going to take about five minutes.

2. Bookmark THIS page in your web browser so you can easily get back to it.

3. Sign up for Rizful. You'll need a working email address.

4. If you don't get an email from Rizful within 30 seconds, check your spam folder. Once you get the email, click the link in the email to verify your account. Then, on the home page, you should see that your account has been verified...

go to my nodes

5. Use the Go to My Nodes button.

6. Click the Confirm I'm Human button.

7. You'll see a QR code, which is a Lightning invoice, for a tiny amount: 250 satoshis ($0.25).

8. Pay the invoice. Usually the easiest way to to do that is to scan the QR code with your phone. After you pay the invoice, you'll see...

ready to start a lightning node

9. Click the Start A Lightning Node button.

10. A second later you should see that you've got a Lightning node!

you have a running node

11. Now, hit the Open button.... Open

... you'll need to accept the terms of service and safety guidelines...

12. Now you're running a Lightning node! You should see...

rizful lightning node

Final step: click "Get Inbound"...

get inbound step

This is where you are going to get a channel to connect you to the Lightning Network.

13. Choose your channel size to get the invoice. 500,000 satoshis is a good choice.

get inbound choose 500k

14. You will see another invoice QR code. Pay it, and you'll now have an inbound channel!

Your Lightning Node
your lightning channel
Now Has A Channel!
#3. Open a notepad on your computer or phone

A Google document, a text file, or any notepad app on your device will work well.

You're going to be getting three unique codes which you will use on your Nostr journey:

Lightning Address

You're going to get a LIGHTNING ADDRESS, which is a permanent address like

Private Key

You're going to get a PRIVATE KEY, which is a code beginning with nsec.

NWC Code Metaphor

You're going to get an NWC CODE, which is a code beginning with nostr+walletconnect://.

#4. Get Your Nostr Private Key.

(note: you can also use your own private key, you don't need to use Rizful's.)


A nostr private key is a simple string of text. Your Rizful Lightning node comes pre-provisioned with a private key. Get it by clicking the "Node Info" button....

node info button

... and then "Reveal Nostr Private Key"...

reveal nostr private key

reveal nostr private key tight

(If already have a private key, that's fine too. You can bring your own private key and still use Rizful.)

Your identity on Nostr will be tied to this key, so you should be sure to follow these best practices:

  1. Keep your private key safe. Don't paste it into random websites.
  2. As you try new apps in the Nostr ecosystem, these apps might generate new private keys for you. DON'T USE THESE NEW KEYS, ALWAYS USE JUST THIS ONE KEY.
  3. Again: This private key is like a combination of a secret username AND a password. It's confusing if you use more than one private key. Just use the ONE key, NEVER change it, and you'll be alright.

For now, just copy and paste this PRIVATE KEY to somewhere safe, like a notepad app on your phone, or secure & private computer.

Private Key

You got a PRIVATE KEY, which is a code beginning with nsec.

#5. Get Your Lightning Address

Your lightning address will look like, and it will enable you to easily receive payments over the lightning network.

Start by clicking the " Receive Lightning" button on your Rizful node.

receive lightning

Then click " Receive To Lightning Address"

receive to lightning address

Then, choose a memorable lightning address. Your lightning address will end in Click the "Check Availability" button to claim it.

receive to lightning address custom name

Use the button to copy your new address

receive to lightning address copy to clipboard
Lightning Address

You got a LIGHTNING ADDRESS, which is a permanent address like Share this address with anyone on the Lightning network, and they can instantly pay you.

#6. Get Your NWC Code.
nostr wallet connect metaphor

You now have a fully-featured Lightning Node that can instantaneously send & receive satoshis anywhere in the world.

But we need a way to connect your Lightning Node to Nostr.

That's where your Nostr Wallet Connect (NWC) code comes in.

Get started by clicking the "Apps" button.

click apps button

Then, click the "Get Connection Code" button.

get connection code send receive

You'll end up with a (long) NWC CODE, that starts like this:


Note: Be careful with this code. Anyone who has it could spend funds from your Rizful node. Only paste it into browser extensions (like Alby) or mobile apps (like Yakihonne, Damus, Primal, etc.), that you trust. Don't paste it into random websites.

#7. Let's review what you have now.
Lightning Node

You have your own LIGHTNING NODE, which allows you to send and receive micropayments on the Lightning Network.

Lightning Address

You got a LIGHTNING ADDRESS, which is a permanent address like

Private Key

You got a PRIVATE KEY, which is a code beginning with nsec.

NWC Code Metaphor

You got a NWC CODE, which is a code beginning with nostr+walletconnect://.

#8. Set up your computer for Nostr
lightning laptop

You can skip this if you only want to use Nostr on your phone or tablet.

Start with any Chrome-like web browser, for example Chrome, Brave, or Edge.

Then, install the Alby browser extension from the Chrome Web Store.

Choose a password for your Alby extension, and then Click "Find Your Wallet".

alby find your wallet

Click "Nostr Wallet Connect".

choose nostr wallet connect orig

Paste your NWC CODE, which is a code beginning with nostr+walletconnect://

paste your nwc code

Next, we're going to add our PRIVATE KEY , which is the code beginning with nsec.

Go to your wallet settings...

three clicks to wallet settings
  1. Click the Ably icon in the top right of your browser.
  2. Click the NWC selector.
  3. Click wallet settings

Click the "Nostr Settings" button...

nostr settings

Then "Remove Current Keys"...

remove current keys

Then paste your PRIVATE KEY, which is a code beginning with nsec, here...

paste private key here

There's something magical about using Nostr with a web browser: Once set up your browser extension, you can then navigate to HUNDREDS of different websites that support Nostr, and you'll bring your profile with you.

We're going to sample this by beginning our Nostr journey at the Nostr Profile Manager (

Your Alby browser extension will ask you to approve sharing your data with this website. Then, click the "Metadata Fields" button...

0 metadata fields

For now, we're just going to add a name. Choose any username you want, put it in the first field....

any username you want

.... and then click the "Update" button.

profile update button

Now we're ready to log into YAKIHONNE.COM, the website we will use for Nostr.

Go to

You'll get to the Yakihonne home page.

yakihonne first load

Click the "Log In" button...

yakihonne login button

Click "Log in using an extension"...

login to yakihonne using extension

Your Alby browser extension will ask for your confirmation...

... then you'll find that your profile appears in the bottom-left of the Yakihonne page...

yakihonne get to settings

Click the solid color icon, and then the " Settings" button.

yakihonne get to settings two

Then click "Edit Profile"

yakihonne get to edit profile

Now, look at this edit form:

yakihonne edit your profile and it exists amazing

Something magical has happened here, and I want you to understand it.

You created a username on the Nostr Profile Manager (, and then you logged into

You did NOT provide with your username... and yet, your username already appears on!

It might be tempting to think that the Alby Browser extension is sending your username to, but that's not what's happening.

The Alby browser extension is only identifying you on the network. Your web browser is getting your username from the distributed Nostr network!

Now take the opportunity to finish your profile on

add to your profile
  1. Add a "cover", which is a big horizontal banner
  2. Add a picture or avatar
  3. Choose your display name
  4. Choose your username
  5. Introduce yourself with an "about" statement
  6. Provide a link to your website, if you have one
  7. In the nip-05 field, paste your LIGHTNING ADDRESS (the one that looks like
  8. In the lightning address section, again paste your LIGHTNING ADDRESS
#9. Set up your phone or tablet for Nostr

The nice thing about Nostr is that, since you control your PRIVATE KEY, you can switch apps at any time.

For this tutorial, we're going to use the Yakihonne app, which is our favorite.

First, download the app to your device...

Yakihonne for iOS Yakihonne for Android

Then, follow these directions...

Start with the "Sign In" button...

android yakihonne sign in

Paste your PRIVATE KEY here, which is the code beginning with nsec...

android yakihonne paste nsec

Click the profile placeholder in the upper-right of your screen...

android yakihonne profile button

Click the " Settings" button.

android yakihonne settings

Now take the opportunity to add your profile to the Nostr network.

android yakihonne edit profile
  1. Add a "cover", which is a big horizontal banner
  2. Add a picture or avatar
  3. Choose your display name
  4. Choose your username
  5. Introduce yourself with an "about" statement
  6. Provide a link to your website, if you have one
  7. In the nip-05 field, paste your LIGHTNING ADDRESS, which looks like
  8. In the lightning address section, again paste your LIGHTNING ADDRESS

Go back to " Settings", and choose " Wallets"...

go back to settings choose wallets

Choose "Add Wallet "...

choose add wallet

Choose "Nostr wallet connect"

choose nostr wallet connect mobile

Copy your NWC CODE from your notepad. This is the code beginning with nostr+walletconnect://, and choose "Paste NWC address"

paste in nwc code
#10. Get your 5,000 satoshis

The moment we've all been waiting for.

We're going to zap you 5,000 satoshis.

All you need to do to get your 5,000 satoshis is to make your first "note" on Yakihonne (or actually any Nostr app will work).

To make a note on a computer, use this button:

post yakihonne on desktop

To make a note on a mobile device, use this button:

post yakihonne on mobile

IMPORTANT: You must tag in the note like this:

Running with lightning address [your lightning address here]

This is what your first post should look like...

zap me sats post

Look at this example so you can be sure to add the tag correctly:

Adding a tag on a mobile device...

We process these "sats back" zaps manually, so please allow one (1) business day, and keep an eye on your balance in your Rizful node.

#11. Now zap some notes that you like...

You've got 5,000 satoshis! Let's get you started on Nostr by zapping some notes that you like.

Start on

Find a post you like...

Click the Zap icon to zap it.

zap a post

Choose your amount (as little as 1 satoshi!), then hit Zap.

zap choose an amount hit zap

You did it!

zap zap success

Congratulations, you're now on Nostr, the social network of the future!